Sunday, December 25, 2022

Violent Non-State Actors Copyright Infringement & Racketeering

The cult that is described in this overnight experience at an isolated hostel along the silk road, Basque Country, Camino de Santiago, what the writer describes, is characteristic of religions who launder abducted children for financial gain, yielding multiple profit channels for the organization.

I thought America abolished slavery December 6th, 1985, and that Spain did in 1811.

Besides earned income as a hostel, they are receiving "voluntary" labor contribution from their members, which is illegal non-payment of individuals meeting the W2 test. Even if the devotee is living onsite "rent" free, as they're contributing to the daily operations of an establishment that is providing accommodation for sale, they are a live/work employee. In many jurisdictions, it's required that the entity provide shelter, meals, and minimum wage, in alignment with local labor laws.

It would be a rare organizational structure, if the hostel, receiving payment from patrons, was a legal non-profit. If they were, rules still apply.

They may additionally be receiving cash payments from their "followers" in the form of "tithing". They are receiving free "marketing"; i.e. word-of-mouth testimonials, from those onsite. The article published in ExploringYourMind is free "earned media".

If they operate similarly as to how a United States hotel that I wrote DOL report about last year; then their constituents may be receiving $10,000 for each new underage "recruit". Similar to multi-level-marketing schemes, there are commission structures. Cash payment for each child. Credit for each adult that "willingly" converts. (Nothing is of legal consent in these systems of coercion, and the writer herself, knows it subconsciously, as she describes it, when she speaks about the lost empty look in their eyes, and the rote script they are forced to memorize, then relay.)

The writer states that this hostel has it's members give up their identities. This is explicit in human trafficking. Without paperwork, they are enslaved. It protects the organization, for when they're raided, law enforcement will assuredly have difficulty in matching. The "disciple" will state the name the cult gave them. If they "converted" after the age of seven, then they may or may not remember their birth name, and they may or may not be terrified or programmed to never share it. There could be "organic" issues, with head trauma or epilepsy. There could be emotional issues, with recall. If prior to age of seven, statistically the child may have little or no accurate memory of their real name.

..........While children do report memories, with accuracy, between the ages of three to seven, it fails to be consistent. The memories shift, morph, evolve, and are forgotten. A child asked to recount, year over year, will both forget, and adamantly deny, a self-report that they gave an interviewer, just the year before. By the age of seven, much from the past is forgotten, and at this point, annual interviews stabilize and are generally consistent, regarding recall moving forward.

..........Traffickers know this. The children are asked their name, then full name, their nickname, as well as names they like. They're asked to play a game of pretend, with a new name. They are being groomed, to see which name they like, will accept, and also will respond to. Many children, who are unaware they were abducted and trafficked, may not respond to the new name. They may only respond when they are called by their middle name, first name, or nickname, that is consistent with their past.

..........The child may be given prednisone, to delay growth, which further allows for the child to be told they're a different age, than they actually are. This effectively contributes to law enforcement's inability to match the children from the raid, with the missing child that they truly are.

..........The child may move locations, as in home, church, state, country. The intention, is to create confusion, and cloud the very simple fact, that the behaviors and structures of the people controlling them, are criminal.

Furthermore, identities are sold on the black market for $3 to over $1K, which is another income stream. Not to mention, anything else that may be bought and sold, through those marketplaces.

The hostel, may be receiving additional local, state, and federal payments, for various entity claims to allowable deductions and refundable credits. If they're organized as a Mission or Foreign Mission, then they will qualify for other exemptions and benefits.;jsessionid=34D7A78277D6E45B25059A5986928985

While healthy individuals and cultures believe in religious freedom, tolerance, and acceptance, when it comes to human trafficking, the illicit organizations, are using our healthy frameworks, against us.

Unfortunately, this lends to the perpetration of these cults. In tangible reality, they are divisions of crime families who traffic, and from decades of having been prosecuted in various ways, they keep on morphing, seeking alternate ways to continue their operations.

They are organized & transnational crime, committing Human Rights violations, and delinquencies related to our Local, State, Federal, National & International governments.

The members, are both victims, and perpetrators, sometimes unknowingly, or otherwise complicit. Their rote, lifeless answers, are more than programmed, and textbook in documented indicators of Human Trafficking.


At the end of a US Federal & State Park Photography Tour 2020-2021, I knew Texas was my destination. It was intuition. I didn't know why I wanted to end up there, only that it was important, that I do. It was a subconscious driver.

I started in 2020, to: Klammath Falls, Oregon; Lassen National Forest, California; Genoa Peak, Nevada; Joshua Tree, California; Catedral de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe, Mexicali, Baja; Picacho Peak State Park, Arizona; Hidalgo, Texas (where they will prosecute photo-journalists); South Padre Island, Texas; Lower Rio Grande Valley National Wildlife Refuge; Galveston Island State Park, Texas; Pedernales Falls State Park, Texas; Inks Lake State Park, Texas; Blanco State Park, Texas; Nevo Laredo, Nuevo Leon; Nuevo Cuidad Guerrero, Tamaulipas; Rio Grande, Oahuila; Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas; White Shaman Preserve, Texas; Big Bend, Texas; Ojinaga, Chihuahua; Mount Livermore, Texas; Lincoln National Forest, New Mexico; more.

It was near the Mexico Border South of Austin, that I ran into my first problem; and next to the Mexican Border, by El Paso, when I ran into my second problem.

In the natural course of taking photographs, I caught something, that was shocking. To me, it so was unbelievable, that I began to capture video, concerned that what I was observing, would fail to translate to anyone outside of the scene. Something was off. They were a caravan. They were calculated. I wanted to get enough "coverage" of what I saw to prove it had happened, then get the hell out of there, safely.

I didn't exactly realize that I was seeing V-NSA, trafficking in real time. I ended up talking to an officer, and telling him that things seemed concerning, in the area. He told me, that the freeway was a hub for traffickers. I decided to switch paths, and take the scenic route, to create space and distance.

I had no idea, that trafficking existed before this. I'd never heard about it nor seen it before, in any way that registered. I mean, in the rare circumstances when someone said something, it was "out-there", and I had no framework for it. It's not the news, that I wanted to find out more about (entrepreneurship); and not the kind of people or companies, that I would ever know, or want to get to know.

..........I did meet a proprietor around this time in Texas, who talked about trafficking. She said she believed she was helping "them". I listened to her briefly, but had no frame of reference, for either what she was alluding to, nor what she meant by it.

..........Until I saw it, for myself, as a journalist traveling through Texas, and then ended up interviewing a victim.

..........I have kept building upon my knowledge base, and two years later, as in right now, I understand the business model that is being used. Because I now understand the diagram, I also understand, that "regular" people, who you and I both know, who are in our communities, churches, schools, medical facilities, family services, and adoption agencies, are trafficking, right in front of us. It exists in our communities, because people are failing to report their intuitive leads, that something is wrong. Pick up the phone.

The perpetrators are not necessarily like the extremists in Texas who wave their confederacy flag, although they too, are definitely one faction of it, wanting to return to the era before the civil war, which means slavery. What I mean by this is that we have political freedom, and so I cannot say that all people in one party believe in a thing. It's both more broad, and also more specific, than that. The group of people who actively exploit and traffic humans, have inherited through millennia, their belief in Supremacy & Slavery, and their refined practice & tactics, of exploiting others.

It is the Aesop fable of The Scorpion & The Frog. We are Frogs. They are Scorpions. The moral of the story, is "don't". It is never worth it, to help, or engage, with a Scorpion.


Ranee, saw me staring, and ended up coming up to me. She told me her story. She was fleeing domestic violence, when she was arrested, and charged for felony grand theft auto, for being in the abusers car. This result for her, seems to me, to be a further abuse of the system. He had gotten her fired, sold her car, taken possession of her bank accounts, alienated her friends and family, and she had nothing left. He was attempting to force her into prostitution, where she refused. He beat her to a pulp. She was terrified, and amazed to even be alive afterwards. She knew she needed to flee, and being in a remote geographical location, where even hitchhiking was an improbability, she was forced to take his car. She was planning on leaving it at the nearest safest train station, and relocating to a safe house in another state. Instead of protecting her as a victim fleeing violence, she was arrested, charged with a felony, thrown in jail. No hospital for her wounds. As she was traumatized, and he had beat her face, I have no idea if she ever had a fair trial, or was cognitively or emotionally capable of properly defending herself. Her felony, perpetuates the cycle of abuse, further preventing her from obtaining work and salary, that she is otherwise qualified to obtain. It creates a dependency situation, where she is afraid of the perpetrator, and feels that she needs a man to protect her, and also help her with income. This almost certainly suggests, that she will be caught in this cycle, until the point if/when she were to receive comprehensive, multi-faceted support.

Ranee, was high the day that she approached me, and her story was jumbled and timeline skewed, but I patiently listened, which is what these victims desperately need, and let her continue, until it was all out. It took her three hours. Because of my training, I was able to make out, much of what she said, and some of what she meant. What I didn't understand, I entered search terms into state criminal databases, and figured out the rest from her case files.

This sharing by the victim, was largely circumstantial, as in "right place right time" (even though it felt the opposite to me, at the time). Victims, are trained to remain silent. She had JUST been raped, by a new pimp, who has federal drug charges in Colorado. She told me about his crimes, and when I looked him up, his name was in FBI case files on the Columbine Shootings.

Ranee's trauma, was more than she could contain after Baer's assault. It triggered everything she'd been stuffing down, for years. She cried for three hours, sobbing through her horrific story.

She asked me to report him. I told the National Human Trafficking Hotline, what she'd told me. They responded to me, with a report number. I asked them what would happen next. They told me: "nothing". They said she is older than eighteen, and did not report the crime herself, so there is nothing, that they are willing to do.

I do not know, if this response was normal, or another factor of corruption. I know, that I felt disturbed by what I was told.

As for my role in listening to Ranee, at least for three hours, she felt heard, in a safe container. I know, those three hours, would be rare for her. I hope, that she is able to create more peace, ease, safety, and support in her life, even if it's beyond odds. She, is a person, and naturally deserves it.

We never know the effect we have on others. Please always do the right thing, because it is the right thing. Please build supportive structures around yourself, so that you are healthy, safe, beyond reproach, and beyond the grasp of perpetrators who are hunting.


The rote relayed accounting of the cult members belief system as described in the cult article, is also a feature of intentionally dosing unsuspecting victims, with various RX as well as toxic natural herbs, that negatively impact memory.


I have been doing forensics on technology used for crime, for two years, and discovered this relates to trafficking. I have interviewed those who use tech, whether they're white, red, or black hat. Their stories, are partial, but collectively describe in detail exactly how they abduct children, work as a paternal religious unit (which that part is one more insanity to me - my roots are in matriarchy), and the various local, state, and federal scams they take part in, stealing monies from our municipalities, and robbing the safety from loving families and original homes. They're in it for profit, even the org structures that are 501c3.

The leaders are charming and glib, with feigned, but no actual empathy. They are the epitome of social engineers and pure evil, from The Brothers Grimm, from Abnormal Psychology, from Department of Justice case reports, which is what I read.

The victims, are chosen, and remain alive, when they don't fight back. The hostel that the writer stayed at with her twin, is certainly guilty of racketeering, and may be further victimizing their members, through Baby Farming and Surrogacy. They reported to her that they were "born" into. This is also a common recounting, by trafficking groups. The truth is, the children's memories are unreliable before the age of seven, and religious crime families use prednisone to delay growth. They were more likely abducted, rather than born into it. The hostel, is most certainly, an illicit operation.

Being "vegan" is characteristic of ISIS (Jihad), Cult Gaia, and a Violent Non-State Actor sect that calls themselves NASA, even using the logo (the members are NOT government, and NOT NASA; it's illegal impersonation.)

The twisted aspect of forcing their members to be vegan, is that this diet, is enormously unhealthy, and is medically PROVEN to result in MALNUTRITION & DETERIORATION.

I believe in being respectful of all legal choices and preferences. I know meat is good for "us", and can be safely stated, if we use the "80/20" rule. Not good for everyone; and not all meat; but for most people; free-range organic meat, and/or ocean caught fish, is very good for us.

There is an excellent documentary from PBS about human evolution, where our pre-frontal cortex, developed exponentially, through cooking meat over fire. Our pre-frontal cortex, is required for logic & critical thinking, as well as healthy movement. Even having a measurement that is 3-4% smaller, creates a host of lifelong symptoms.

The Vegan Cult, preaching this diet, and their propaganda, feeds into the victim's failure to think for themselves. It creates a deficit in protein, which the victim needs, for cognitive function, and for healthy muscle tone and strength, if they were ever planning on fighting back or fleeing, and becoming free. Their freedom, is their fundamental human and legal right.

The author states she respects their religion. That is a healthy and pro-social attitude, that all successful peaceful societies, ingrain. That factor though, is in part, why these operations exist in the first place, and are able to continue to expand their "tribe". These cults in headlines, include WACO, JIM JONES, NXIVM, more.


PLEASE NOTE: that many reports, are required to go through local police first, however there are certain geographical hubs, where law enforcement is complicit, involved in public corruption. You can file a report (i) from the ground up, (ii) from the top down, (iii) multi-party - tell everyone at the same time. The answer fails to be clear cut, as each situation, involves different victims, perpetrators, and situations. I'm lucky, as my background is business, and we consult with attorneys and strategize implementation. If someone if a victim; they may only get ONE CALL, and ONE CHANCE, to get it right. Your call, and your report, can help them. Please always make a call, and report red flags, as a concerned citizen.


I don't know the name of this hostel. The writer left it out, out of respect for them. My belief, is that this hostel needs to be reported, immediately, for human trafficking, with the obvious point, that they've taken the Identity Documents of the people that live there.

Contact: info at, referencing this article.



There is not direct evidence from the article, of other crimes, but there are definitely indications, that other crimes may be occurring, including issues with religious / corporate structure, and possible tax evasion. If this hostel was in the USA (instead of Spain), you would submit these two forms, for that type of report:

Form 3949-A & Form 211, which pays the reporter out of fraud funds, for the monies that are recouped. This HELPS healthy society, similar to how class actions work. It has a huge downstream effect, of preventing re-branding and re-organization. This is important.






TRAFFICKING REPORTS;jsessionid=34D7A78277D6E45B25059A5986928985