My journey, has been wanting to know the truth, no matter what.
I think it matters to my birth family too. I feel that truth was important to my father, Art, but I don't think he was a black & white thinker. Maybe more about The Golden Rule, doing the right thing w/work; being honest in general. I remember him being well connected & I'm aware, that life & business are on a continuum, w/various factors, whether you chunk up or down.
I had been trying to remember his religion, and I think he said he was agnostic. It was my mother, J, who was exploring religions. She was born Ojibwe. I remember that mythology, her singing, the Ojibwe alphabet. In 2000, I cut my hair to look like hers. It was short, and the Robert's family (Danielle Robert's brothers) ignorantly said "I must be gay", as I had broken up with one brother. No. I broke up w/him because of who he is, how his brothers are; when I found out more about his associations.
My haircut had nothing to do with preferences. It was symbolic of my love for my Ojibwe mother. It looked exactly the same as the photo used on her memorial page, and I cut it myself, wanting to get it right from the memory that was inside of me, instead of the interpretation by a stylist.
To each their own; I believe that people are people, regardless of their preferences.
I care about being with the right male match; I care about my career & quality of life.
I also remember the conflict of Art & J's divorce when I was two. Not as a direct memory, as children's memories get more solid & reliable after the age of 4-7, but because they talked about the conflict after. I knew it was costing him a lot of money. I felt that J was struggling, lost, possibly taking advantage. These memories, I talked about with a PhD who interviewed me about my childhood 1998-2003. I never clarified which set of parents I was referring to. The talks with that PhD, showed me that I cared about people, cared about prevention, in all ways that are important. This was also a driver for me, to get the master's I did, and why I spent some years, studying the science of relationships. It's applicable for both personal & business.
This photo below, I had an adaptation of as desktop background post grad school. I'd done "past-life" regression & I was in Ontario, w/the Canadian Coin + other references. Afterwards, this image was a reminder of where I'm from and of my father. I used this symbol for years, as it is more than that to me. It embodies my father, truth, hope, freedom.
I had been told I could connect with him after a forensics test, where the results would be in, right about now. But the detective seemingly dropped the ball, and one of the employees from that office, committed illegal impersonation. I am going to choose to believe, that truth always prevails in the end, and that other helpful people will come forward, to help.
Cheers to all people who seek truth & freedom.