Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Domestic Terrorism: Proud Boys Steal The Vote

While my absentee ballet was literally stolen in 2020, #ProudBoys & #StealTheVote aren't only factor in #CapitalRiot. https://lnkd.in/ep96Mk-p
#SusanGailCarter is connected to #Traffickersidentifying as seperate bodies, yet work in alignment.

I met her as #Cary when placed by agency for Work & Travel. Under her current name are open warrants in Texas. I traced changes through her former states & finally found her in WV as she abducted daughter #NatashaCarter.

Law Enforcement told me to go somewhere quiet to finish legal reports on Austin Actors. #2020 JAN in California I'd filed fraud reports on #Bumble, TX. 2020 AUG I filed reports on fraud from #ShadowTerrorist #ChrisTorres. #2021 MAR I filed reports on malware #CounterCulture Terrorist #BryantPerkins uses. March 11, 2021 this Terrorist Group executed a #VehicleRammingAttack & drove straight into me, a pedestrian, in a crosswalk in Travis County. It has been non-stop threats, attacks & investigative reporting since.

I was told Natasha's name was Jordan. I recently found her blog, also Domestic Terrorism. She sells #ZINES for her livelihood, promotes criminal efforts of the group.

Before I knew all that, in the moment, when things were just Work & Travel, I wanted to interview Jordan on her experiences abroad, for publication.

As soon as I requested that, Jordan disappeared. #XaviorHarrelson (under the false identity #XavierKendig) also disappeared. Xavier I reported to DHHS. They did not search the property. As a missing child in 2021, they should have & returned him home, before his body was found end of October.

Natasha & Xavior lived in seperate buildings at the hotel. There were cover stories on where they "went". Nothing matched, but nothing was totally unreasonable either. This is why audits are important & evidence. It took tracking several reiterations, taking photographs of mail, searching for clues in existing published media, before I was able to peice together the truth.

Susan said she met a trucker, fell in love, spent years on the road. When there were investigations, she used #HomelessShelters to hide out.

The man she married has abducted at least four boys from photographs & birth certificates I referenced. 3 "sons" + Xavior. Warrants in multiple states.

Susan was invited to (i) Landmark. From The Forum, she was recruited into a (ii) Sex Cult that uses an Owl symbol. #Bergquist called them #Wisdom. In El Paso she was asked to join a (iii) #PedoRing that earns #Bitcoin. In Main she earned 10K per child through a group that chants (iv) Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō[a] (南無妙法蓮華経). She is also part of a group that states they practive (v) #NVC, yet they incite violence & practice #FightLikeAGirl.

Susan was at CapitalRiot. She had returned from #Tanzania, designated terrorist country. She wanted TZ off #WatchList, to bring Terrorists to USA. https://lnkd.in/eUBstfce


