There is a new cashier, at a local store, who looks like Nico Claux. I already assessed him, when I first interacted with him, because he had three indicators, and I wanted to find out if there was a cluster. There was. As such, when I came across Nico Claux in this criminal database, I made the pattern recognition.
I don't know if the cashier is him or not; but I know how to find out, if I want to.
In security training, it is never safe, to drop our guard. In real life, Threat Actors who go for either acute (in psychology, less than three months) or pro-longed attacks, rely on several Psychology Laws, to trip up good, hardworking people. One of them is The Law of Familiarity, and our inherent nature, to ignore any discomfort we initially felt, if we repeatedly see the person, in our environments. Humans do this, because we care about our community.
It is good to be social and caring, enhance our communities; being reliable, and helping others.
It is never worth it to stop doing risk assessments. It is never worth it, to drop our guards. It is never worth it, to skip due diligence, to ignore our intuition, neither to say "yes", when our answer inside, is "no".
Please honor your intuition, do your due-diligence, and report all things that are out of place, or cause for discomfort. You never know, whose life you're saving.