Friday, February 17, 2023

Hearing & Due Diligence

Yesterday I had an unexpected scheduled hearing (unexpected related to a series of events affecting communication, as 2022 I was working on cases regarding corporations that Labor Traffic from 2021). Even with the recurring illegal events that severed communication, the hearing yesterday still occurred, regardless.

Which in a normal world, would be a "no-thing" (no weight, just a regular normal occurrence/meeting). But in this world of crime reporting, that I ended up discovering the hearing last minute, just hours before it occurred, and that it went according to schedule, without a "hitch", felt like a big "win".

The hearing ended up being a formality related to due diligence and update. What I found out, was actually the same news that had been told to me a year ago. But what happened between then and now, was a forensics battle. My data held its ground for being valid, and maintaining consistency and strength throughout a years worth of interviews and hearings.

(Which is how I do anything; my due diligence; my evidence; my solid numbers - math conducted in accordance with entity structure and state law. It's easy. It's all black and white and clearly defined in advance, without deviation.) Math is always easy, and truth always wins, in the end.