Friday, February 17, 2023

Legal cases & winning v cheating & impersonation

Legal cases & winning v cheating & impersonation.

How it relates to life, work & NXIVM Anthem Threat Actor.

I grew up winning; due to my desire to apply myself; be the best I could be. I'm naturally into excellence.

NOT into perfectionism, but have it in me, due to NURTURE.

Birth family felt more healthy & balanced. Adopted family has high values + strange beliefs, that many don't understand including ME (until I took grad courses explaining their patterns). My adoptive grandmother, didn't understand British Engl. & I had speech therapy until I could pronounce "r's" like an American. They allowed no error on any level. This made childhood more of a burden. However in career, it helped me win at AUDITS: from a lifetime of 'no mistakes' + habit of fact checking that became innate w/unconscious competence. (I'm against the way I learned caution, as in mgmt & education, what adopted family taught is text book 'the wrong way', literally w/much research.) The end result & how I chose to interpret & overcome it, was for good.

Raniere stated, utilizing a Poker reference which he applied to business + [un]'ethical' studies: "Cheaters always win" (until they're caught & prosecuted).

I've entered scopes, where I had foundation, but was not an expert, yet, with people better than me, who out-performed & won, at first. I habitually rose to the occasion, learning & improving. These types of environments, were rewarding, satisfying, great growth potential + outcome.

Only times I've "lost", were not from work product, which has been proven beyond reproach. But short-term losses, when other party committed crimes & cheated includ. evidence tampering & impersonation.

I lost one trial last year against a Threat Actor. My case on his behaviors of illegal computer intrusion. (He also hurts children; modern day child abuse where men are called "fathers" having relations with slave "children"). 

I lost overall re: PD report. I did "win" re: evidence a skilled Attorney was trying to throw it out (they failed). The judge told me to win in totality, he needed PD report, and with that, he'd rule in my favor.

I had requested PD report; they declined. I spoke to attorney, who said it was my right to receive, so their improper failure.
(I did discover PD had been sued losing ** $62M ** for corruption in '21.)

I studied lie detection, half a decade ago. Wanting to know when people were lying by their micro-expressions. Small details give away what people hide + where to look.)

All is transparent when you know what to look for. Truth prevails in the end.

(Last year, I received notices of breaches & fake letters sent, impersonation. It's not isolated to '22; but also '11-14, '18-'19 + other times I don't know about yet. If you received fake letters -you'll know from the tone, length, content; they're verbally strong (inappropriate) & read like a man wrote them, pls let me know.)