Sunday, January 1, 2023

Oldey but goody. Memories by Dr. Richard Bandler

Oldey but goody.

What Dr. Bandler describes is one marker that IS seen in family systems. The pattern is distinct, and there are predictable outcomes, when a person or family runs these internal scripts.

(I personally have a hard time relating to the title, as my family is based in the present + goals; and my whole psychology is about being proactive. There also can never be "bad" memories, when we're in alignment, and accept ourselves. I've seen it time and time again, in trainings with Dr. Mulder & Churchill, patients.)

If you/your family relate to this, I hope it helps. CHANGE HAPPENS IN AN INSTANT. (It's people, and patterns, that put the old problem, back in place, after it had been transformed. It's "alright"; some people call that "learning"; and this is what "practice" is for. Keep doing the new behavior, and one day, you'll wake up, having "forgotten" that the old thing, ever existed. Try it.